Finger - Photo of stitches added

Geez! OUCH!!!!!!

As long as you didn't do any nerve damage, you should be fine in a couple of weeks, though you might find the even the well healed scare is a little more sensitive that the rest of your finger.

I cut the index finger on my left hand about 20 years ago, and severed a nerve. Needed emergency surgery and about a dozen or so, stitches. The result is a crescent shaped scare on the inside of my finger at the second joint. The scare, itself is pretty sensitive to the touch, but, fron the second joint to the tip of my finger only has feeling on one side. On the side of my index finger closest to my thumb the sensation of touch is non-existent.
If I were to put my finger down on a flat surface, like a table, it would fell like I have my finger on the edge of the table, with the side of my index finger closest to my thumb hanging off the table.

Needless to say, when this accident happened, it took me a few weeks to adapt to playing bass.