02 sensor data loggers, which do you like

Thank you both!

The problem is that i'm a complete idiot, when it come to this stuff, not so good with a computer as well.

So i look at the data logging stuff that has the software CD to install it. Cause i don't have a clue how to make the laptop communicate with the gauge/controller, exc. And they are the 6-800 dollar units.

So that one will allow me to view my run after? aka playback mode?

Looks like it via the hand held unit, but you might want to ask them about it to be sure.
I don't know why else it would have the scanner being a data logger.

Upon looking closer and in more places it seems it needs more cables and a memory card to actually log and playback data, and by the time you get all that it ends up in the 600+ range.

Take a look here for a lot more on this device.