02 sensor data loggers, which do you like

thanks for the link.

looks like it will only show "real time" not recorded time. Even if i hook a laptop up to it......
Sound like the SD card is were i get the memory/playback capability. but what does the "Logworks CD" do? i would "guess" that it would allow playback from the laptop if it was plugged in.?

I have a laptop, and if that was true, all i would need is the basic package...... Right?

OK, I broke down and called there 1 888 number, and they actually ANSWERED wow!

The basic kit(# 3837) will data log with a laptop and there software or a SD card in the controller. It will log RPM as well but need an additional cable/wiring.

He said with the rpm wire, it was $275. It comes with one o2 sensor but will record two with another sensor and cable to plug into the back.

This looks like i could get what i want without the 6-800 hundred dollar price tag.