Our biggest local car show failed

Once a year, during the county fair, our town would have a car show at the county fairgrounds. Up until a few years ago, the fair directors would make sure to have qualified car judges decide which cars got prizes. Then for some reason they started using the "people's choice" method of award.

I have a nicely-restored '22 Dodge Bros. touring car that I would enter in that show. Here's a picture of my buddy sitting in it, trying to look like a big, tough guy!:

When the car show had real judges, people would enter lots of rare antique cars. Once they went to "people's choice", the tri-five Chevvies won every time and the owners of antique cars stopped showing there. Then the show declined in popularity until today it is a mere shadow of its former self.

So no matter how "undemocratic" it may appear, there is value in aristocracy!!

Why do they need to judge the cars at all. Just have a fun show, where some owners don't feel good going to, because they can't afford to restore what they have, but are still proud of it.

Just my opinion, because I, didn't build mine for trophy's and ribbons. I've won best of show once and politely declined the trophy, told them to give it to someone who wanted it.