my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

What - I bought the 1/4 by 20 set screws (get the short ones). I plugged the emission ports on all the exhaust valves today.

How - I use a 1/4 tap, a couple of drops of oil to start with and a couple of drops along the way, and turn the tap back and forth cutting only about 1/8 turn at a time. Be sure the set screws are about a 1/2 thread inverted. I know some folks put a sealer on 'em, but I never have done that. Not a bad idea, but I've never had one leak or back out.

I've never had to drill a head, nor have I ever broken a tap. Takes about 6 minutes a port. Count on 1 hour for all 8.

Heads are completely done!!!! :cheers:

2 bucks spent leaving 6 bucks left........