Our biggest local car show failed

Why do they need to judge the cars at all. Just have a fun show, where some owners don't feel good going to, because they can't afford to restore what they have, but are still proud of it.

Just my opinion, because I, didn't build mine for trophy's and ribbons. I've won best of show once and politely declined the trophy, told them to give it to someone who wanted it.

This. ^

I have never understood trophies. Perhaps when they were awarded to people among smaller societies with far less amenities, they would be a topic of conversation.

China hutches full of gold plated plastic on marble bases get a chuckle now and then, but beyond that, nobody really cares, except the guy who owns said China hutch.

The real shame is in the mentality of those who won't come out to share the history. That Dodge is great. If the other owners would stop being so obsessed with status and just enjoy, they could knock the mental walls down that keep everyone from romanticizing shoebox and muscle all day, over hot dogs and ugly t shirts.