High-zinc oil or ZDDP oil additives?

lol.... kind of funny. The only nose that has been running is .... never mind. I'll just say I don't use Fram filters, but have in the past. I will also say you have a tough sell telling folks to buy 22.00 dollar quarts of oil but no guarantee on anything, just pay it because I say and have tested it! LOL I did that once with a guy that said "just pay it" on Sonic spark plugs from an independent engineer that designed a specific plug to give you "20% more power and gas mileage". I went to his personal place where these were made and where he lived. I paid the money, installed them, and gain 100 %..... NOTHING!!!! LOL... No better gas mileage, no better performance. But his independent studies...... never mind!
About like the motivation throttle body spacer I bought. Called the manufacture themselves and they said "3 %" better gas mileage for sure..... I got.... NOTHING extra for gas mileage. Naw, I don't think folks are going to go running to pay 110 bucks for an oil change because "you say and tested it".