High-zinc oil or ZDDP oil additives?

lol.... kind of funny. The only nose that has been running is .... never mind. I'll just say I don't use Fram filters, but have in the past. I will also say you have a tough sell telling folks to buy 22.00 dollar quarts of oil but no guarantee on anything, just pay it because I say and have tested it! LOL I did that once with a guy that said "just pay it" on Sonic spark plugs from an independent engineer that designed a specific plug to give you "20% more power and gas mileage". I went to his personal place where these were made and where he lived. I paid the money, installed them, and gain 100 %..... NOTHING!!!! LOL... No better gas mileage, no better performance. But his independent studies...... never mind!
About like the motivation throttle body spacer I bought. Called the manufacture themselves and they said "3 %" better gas mileage for sure..... I got.... NOTHING extra for gas mileage. Naw, I don't think folks are going to go running to pay 106 bucks for an oil change because "you say and tested it".

I never told you to buy ANY oil. How did you come up with that? In fact, I said you are NOT the guy for it. You are NOT that guy. So you get it now? You are not that guy. And I never said I sell the oil. Only that I tested it and many others. Don't go along and make things up that I never said. You are NOT the guy. You are the guy who is cheep and likes to step over donuts to pick up dog turds. So have a day with it.

The difference between you and me is that I have TESTED these things. I'm not guessing. When I first started, there were no oils that were even close to Torco. Now, Driven is close. LAT is very close. The Driven is a bit less expensive. but LAT is at the $22.00 dollar a quart price.

So I guess all the guys in Comp eliminator, the Stock and Super Stock guys, the alcohol burners who have oil issues, those guys with power adders and such, they are all stupid because they spend more money on oil that you? That is the height of arrogance.

I have said my part. I have nothing to prove to you. I have worked with your type before. I'd bet everything I have, that even if I bought you the oil, paid for the dyno testing, PROVED my case that there CAN be HP in oil, when the first time for an oil change came around, like a dog returning to it's own vomit, you'd be back in line at WalMart to get your oil. You can't help yourself. And that's ok. I'm good with it, why can't you be good with that too.

The moral of the story is: for some, the world will always be flat.

Take care and motor on.