I'm so confused! Summoning the FABO Wiper linkage Gurus .

Man You all are going to think I'm nuts (more than usual)

I checked the park position on the rebuild and it is in the same position as it was in the photo I took during removal.

That said, I decided to reinstall the motor and bench run it while mounted back in the car with the crank attached. Sure enough round and round she goes.

To make myself feel better I attached the linkage with the busing to the crank, hit it with Juice and there she goes spinning like a beautiful ballerina. Yay! No bind I think.. but It was the park position that was driving me crazy. Dare I try to put it park knowing full well there was a bout a 3/8 inch issue?

OF course! why not! so I wired it for park position clip it to power and buzzzz....thunk! It parks! Wait! no way it's in park...right? well let's try to get that ballerina spinning again. Clip, clip, clip to power and she's off! I do this a few times and it keeps working.

Not sure why but hay lets move on to the next step. I'll reconnect the bulk head and try it from the switch. Hoping for the best. right now.

The only change is that I connected the link while in the run position unlike before when I was trying to connect the linkage in park.

It's working. have variable speed and it parks and runs