Move over Hellcat....

I was not being a bully. Sorry if it came of like that. But when people make totally ignorant and uninformed statements like that, it pisses me off. None of the big three make "junk" now. They are very sophisticated machines. To call them junk simply shows you know absolutely nothing about them.

I've worked in the service departments of Ford, Chevy and Chrysler at one time or another. Has he? There is a lot of pride that goes into each make. I considered it a jab that someone would call an AMERICAN car junk, so I guess we're even.

I suggest we all put on our big girl pants and get over it.

Since you don't know me and my background I will inform you of it so maybe you will understand my stance when I say "Junk". I am a mobile diagnostic tech, self employed, and go to other people's shops, including, body, independent, and even dealerships and troubleshoot thier problem cars and program modules. I also do a lot of airbag related work and electrical issues including no starts and no communication with a vehicle. I work regularly on current year cars as a lot of my work is body shop/accident related. I can assure you that I am more aware than most of what makes these "modern marvels" tick as I spend 40-70 hours a week fixing what others either can't due to skill set or lack of adequate tooling or both. So yeah I get it you spent many years as a dealer tech and I'm sure during that tenure you were great at what you did, but my "opinion" is based off of what the vast majority will never see or understand. Take Care