Move over Hellcat....

From my time working at a chrysler dealership I seen new car owners having to pay for cars they could not use because they never left the shop for months on end completely tore down while Chrysler drug their feet. Chrysler would eventually send their corperate techs to get the cars working without proper results. The entire time fighting the customer and refusing to buy the vehicle back or warrantee their claim. You can imagine how mad the customers would get as this drug on and on. It was a real eye opener for me and I was glad to see the dealership here and many others get its plug pulled.
I saw many people paying for parts being replaced that didn't fix the cars problem and techs that had no background or enough mechanical understanding to diagnose a problem. Service managers with even less skills than the techs. Dealership owners that could not be found or reached.
So much of peoples money being wasted day after day, impossible to forget.
This so-called world improving technology has created a large group
of unskilled workers and vehicles they are incapable of or care less about repairing.
I had seen enough that I will never set foot in a dealership again for the rest of my days.
I remember the day I hired in and was proud to be working at a Chrysler dealership
being I have been a Mopar enthusiasts since the 70s. What a let down. Junk is putting it nicely from what I seen of today's cars.