High-zinc oil or ZDDP oil additives?

Never said you were wrong. Not once. That's not what this is about. Over and out.

No I get it. You don't like my attitude. You don't like that I test the "old ways" and have found some of them wanting. You don't like that I don't have enough posts or I don't post what I own or where I work or what I drive. I know you want me to prove my bona fides to you, but I have no need of it. I know you don't like to be publically questioned, except I have never publically called you out. Which is what you have done to me.

Like I said, this is a public forum. I post in threads I think I can shed some very hard earned knowledge that some one may use. Then the critics come out and start bashing. Always happens. I don't have time to worry about Internet bullies and greasers who think nothing new ever comes along.

It is what it is. But I will tell you this. I have spent more time testing than I care to remember. And never once, NOT ONE TIME, when testing anything did I ever require a "money back guarantee" nor did I ever expect an assurance of power production. Any one who has done this very long should know and understand that there are so many variables that not everyone is assured of equal results. It's just not that simple. But you test a bunch and you already know that.

Now we all know that you are pissed off because some people use expensive oil and you don't. And we all know that you don't think it's even needed. Then do as I told others to do. Do what you are already doing. I just don't care.