High-zinc oil or ZDDP oil additives?

Thanks for seeing my point, Roy.

So you people are either stupid or lazy. Or both. This is why I don't post results. No matter what I post you pole cats would argue your results are different. Let me say it again, for the SLOW READERS among us. Here is what I am saying.

Get off your lazy asses and do YOUR OWN TESTING. Go out and spend the time and money and learn for yourselves. But like the rest of the country, you won't do it. You'd rather run your mouths.

You can't learn if you don't test. Or, you can come on here, act the poser, run you mouth and want guaranteed results. That is how for out in stupidville you are.

So get on your big boy pants and test for yourselves. There was a thread on mopar to a few weeks ago. It was about oil. He posted HIS results. Against other oils in HIS APPLICATION. You should go look it up and read it. You may learn something. Not every oil is right for every APPLICATION.

It's hard to believe that full grown men get butt hurt this easy. Test or shut up.