I was born in the wrong era!!!!!!!

born in '48, graduated h s in '66 so that dates me. my view is life in general was better. if no draft, war, it would have been great. 99 % of cares on the road were just that... cars. so called muscle cars were NOT the norm, at least is rural s w Ga! but they were scattered around. some "hotrods" too but most kids and young people didn't have the $$ to buy new musclecars or the desire to build a hotrod.

I miss the time of the 60's, 70's weren't wonderful but much better than this day and age IMO. drag racing tracks built, heads up racing, Nascar? yes they ran stock cars... sorta. music...... yep that was music.

I had a pair of twin cousins. their dad drove his motorcycle from Ga to Indy on time, this was back in the 30's !!!!!! they didn't have tv when they graduated h s in '62! just am a m radio. but it picked up Wolfman Jack!

the 60's, early 70's. you could turn in the t v for the evening news everyday, and see some poor soul get shot right there. you had the draft to look forward to, or just join the Navy or Air Force, ( Marines for 3), for a 4 years deal.

1968-9 a new 383 roadrunner costs bout $ 2800, A new loaded 1/2 pickup for $3000! my father in law had taught school all his life, was making $12000 a yr. minimum wage was bout $ 1.25.... BUT wages to costs of goods was probably more in line then than now for most things.

life was simplier, traffic less, little technology, schools still offered prayer, the principal still had this BIG paddle and was not afraid to swing it... hard!

kids were taught (in most areas) to respect their elders, parents, police, say yes mame/yes sir..... and if you needed a correction, you NEW you would get corrected. Dr. Spock was still in college?