Favorite cheese....

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Granted, I have only been doing this for a year or so but I have never had cheese pickup THIS much color. I normally smoke cheese when it is 35-40* ambient. When I started this at 6 a.m. we were 30*. We ended up a tick under 60* so the cheese was softer than normal. I will be keeping this batch, I have a feeling that after the 14 day restingredients period this will be some very potent stuff. Part of the cold smoking process is moisture is removed from the food. Some of the chunks had some of the oil wicked out of it....to the point that the cheese developed cracks. I need to start building my supply up so we have enough smoked cheese til the fall so this will just go into my stash lol. I have to pick up some steel grate to fabricate some fire grates tomorrow so I will be stopping by Cash and Carry and Costco again. When I was in the stores last week I noticed that they had several of the cheeses that have been mentioned here...I will be picking one or two of them up to try. Someone local has been dropping all sorts of hints about wanting some smoked Gouda...that will be one of them.
My father-in-law sent us up a small chunk of some sort of cheese from Mexico City....I didn't care for that one bit...hopefully whatever I grab tomorrow fares better lol...

Ernestina just opened the fridge where we keep the cheese...the house smells fantastic now...