Control arm measurements needed

This is where it broke backing out of my driveway and lucky it broke there and not on the road or at the track , when it broke the tire went forward into the fender which is rust free and original to the car anyway it rolled the fender upward lucky it didn't crease , and then we fixed it with some gusets which worked then I noticed that the L/C arm mount is bent now but it wasn't when we fixed it.

OH and get this the car was only drivin for 2 months 3 days a week and they where short trips , so I go to the guy that built it and he sez if it would have happened within a week that I got the car back he would do something about it I told him that he would never touch my car ever again and that he shouldn't be be doing this type of work , he is going to kill someone.

wow, no offense here, but them welds suck, no wonder it broke, Good luck building your new frame. I'd also take that old broken one back and demand my money back