Anxious about flying today

hey roadrunner....

glad you're having a good flight....

i flew a lot in the Marines going all over the world "doing stuff"... lots of military flights ... lots of civi flights. on the civilian flights when i was walking out the door, if the pilot was standing there i'd always tell him that it was a great landing - "but do you think you could put this bird on a carrier?" they would always laugh - or make a smart remark if they were former Navy fighter jocks - which a lot of commercial jumbo jet pilots used to be.

i'm a born-again Christian so i always recited "The Lord's Prayer" as we began our roll-out for take off. it always seemed to keep me calm. and after a few weeks in ramadi, iraq in 2005, i pretty much realized that there was no point in worrying about "that bullet out there with my name on it" cause there wasn't a damn thing i could do to affect that bullet if it was meant for me... so i guess what i'm saying is - right before you take off, say a little prayer and then try to forget about what's happening....

have a great trip .... and a safe LANDING!!