To run cutouts or not run cutouts, that is the question.

I'll go against the grain - hell yea! awww.. was that too LOUD for you!? tough titties miss kitty! ever get right up near a top fuel car during warm up - now THAT is loud - and figgin' awesome! one of my favorite sounds in the world is a killer V8 with open headers! ..if it were me, I would go with the mechanical ones.. less **** to break down.. you know, a few seconds under the car and BOOM - - you're making noise - performance gains are debatable - but who cares!! LOL
There seems to be the opinion that I would run them open all the time. If I was going to do that I would run open headers and be done with it. I would use them at the track and the occasional street race. And don't give me crap about street racing. We build these cars for a reason. Otherwise I would run them closed the majority of the time.