Favorite cheese....

Never met a cheese I didn't like except for Limberger (smells like the stinkiest feet you ever smelled) and that orange paste they call "American cheese." When I was stationed in Spain I picked up a taste for the local stuff called Manchego, made from sheep's milk. You can find it now in the gourmet bin in a lot of stores in the states.
Limberger....when I was in my late teens I used to really like Yahoo's and Hot Fries. The combination...well....made me burposted frequently.....sort of smelled like a mix of a trash dump on a hot humid day with a hint of septic tank...used to drive a buddy damn near every everywhere. Joe would often be seen hanging out of the passenger window getting some air. We worked at Ziebart for a while. One morning we are driving to work and he pulls out his breakfast...a sandwich that had a half inch of liver wurst, a half inch of Limberger and a 1 inch thick slice of onion. I was gagging. He managed to force this thing into his gut. Next couple hours he was bitching about heartburn and how dirty his mouth felt. Later that day he was laying on his back, stuffed into this little car, working on replacing the brake light switch. Mind you, he was close to 300 pounds...well...his innards had enough of his breakfast...and thanks to being jammed into this little car he couldn't get out fast enough to let the vomit fly...he puked up his breakfast and "reate" it....he was all sorts of green going home from work that day...didn't make it to work the next day...and never tried getting revenge on me again...Good times