How to Assemble the Front of a Small Block

That's a good mod... :thumbrig:

I'll give you guys points for really giving this some thought, that's for sure.

Here are mine: I have built many smallblocks with some of these mods, all of these mods, and none of these mods. You know what difference I have noticed?

Not a single one, and I have had many opportunities to really study upon tear down for refreshing, updating, failure etc...

For anyone interested that has an electric fuel pump, remove the block off plate, start it up and bring RPM's up like you were giving it the ole Italian tune-up. Tell me how much oil finds its way onto everything and anything. Inside that cover at RPM's is a veritable oil tornado with NO slinger, NO tab, no extra oil holes. If you are using your small block like a police car/taxi cab with ton's of idle time then go for it. If not then don't worry about the extra oiling. It won't keep the chain alive any longer than without. J.Rob