out of work again



Everybody's Fool
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hot Springs AR
Was laid off again, working on helicopters in the oil industry. So needless to say with every one else out of work doing what I do, the helicopter job market is saturated with out of work mechanics. Have been thinking about getting into the dent removal business. Has any one worked with any of the companies to give a review on the good, the bad and the ugly? Some say free training, some say minimal investment. Just looking for some feedback. Thanks.
Sorry bout your bad luck. I hope you can pick something up quick. Sorry I dont have any input on the dent removal business. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck
Sorry bout your bad luck. I hope you can pick something up quick.

Me too, He is at my house all the time making me work on my two Darts or his. LOL

spl440 and Jboyd and I spent most of yesterday working on Jboyd's 68 Barracuda and another friends Jeep Liberty.

When are we going to Pick and Pull Shawn.

Dart67";1971188063]Me too said:

spl440 and Jboyd and I spent most of yesterday working on Jboyd's 68 Barracuda and another friends Jeep Liberty.

When are we going to Pick and Pull Shawn.


have to drive to Broussard Louisiana Monday to pick up my tools then drive back. they couldn't of told me I was being laid off until after I was home.......... So some time next mid week for pick a pull.
Sorry to hear you got laid off. I went through that a while back myself. My wife was already selling real estate so I joined her. Did it for awhile, but then decided to move back to Georgia. I've been in the job hunt since September.

As far as dent repair. If you're looking at franchises, just make sure to talk with about a dozen current franchise owners directly. They can fill you in on the business. I owned a franchise that sold franchises. There are many franchises that are good, and there are many more that are bad. The great part of being with a franchise is brand recognition and marketing. You definitely need to do your due diligence.

The easy part of any business is doing the work. The most difficult part is getting customers!

Good luck out there!!
Shawn and Herb are two hardworking, creative, and kind gentlemen. Thank you guys for everything. Shawn good luck. You definitely have the mindset and work ethic to build your own business.
Getting laid off sucks. If you are an aeronautics tech I can imagine you can do pretty much anything you want to. Take this opportunity and run with it.
Sorry about you getting laid off. Best of luck in your hunting. Just keep your head up...
have to drive to Broussard Louisiana Monday to pick up my tools then drive back. they couldn't of told me I was being laid off until after I was home.......... So some time next mid week for pick a pull.

Sorry to hear about you getting laid off, Waiting for you to get home typical sorry lo life big companies that take advantage of the hard working tax paying little man. Then you have to drive a couple hundred miles back to get your tools. (SUCKS) I am sorry, but I have kept this bottled up for quiet some time. I am on your heels, I have worked in the oilfield 40 years, 36 with the same company, almost 7 out of country and have seen my salary shrink 35% in the last year, not including bonus. And what really takes the cake is this year the company started taking 15% off the top of my salary for what they call BIK tax, in which they at one time paid. What this company I work for calls you into the office and gives you walking papers or offers you a position on another facility if open, but like you I would have to drive hours just for something they can in my case tell me over the phone. Sorry for being so long winded. SPL HOPE THINGS WORK OUT FOR YOU
Sorry to hear about you getting laid off, Waiting for you to get home typical sorry lo life big companies that take advantage of the hard working tax paying little man. Then you have to drive a couple hundred miles back to get your tools. (SUCKS) I am sorry, but I have kept this bottled up for quiet some time. I am on your heels, I have worked in the oilfield 40 years, 36 with the same company, almost 7 out of country and have seen my salary shrink 35% in the last year, not including bonus. And what really takes the cake is this year the company started taking 15% off the top of my salary for what they call BIK tax, in which they at one time paid. What this company I work for calls you into the office and gives you walking papers or offers you a position on another facility if open, but like you I would have to drive hours just for something they can in my case tell me over the phone. Sorry for being so long winded. SPL HOPE THINGS WORK OUT FOR YOU

Not just the oil industry. My pay and benefits have been cut over 30 percent since the crash. I now make hourly what I made 21 years ago. America is on a bad path and needs to change fast.
look into the electric generation market, specifically, natural gas plants. Your helicopter experience could get your foot in the door to be technician.
Good luck
i'm glad i'm 68 and just work a little piddly part time seasonal ( april - nov)job!!! drive 65 mi round trip 3 days a week, to work 19 hrs. on average per week , for $10. 75 /hr!!! LOL can't wait to get started this year! right!!!!??? LOL

companies and bosses, for the most part, do not care how bad they crap on you, lets face it. ( maybe a few exceptions out there?) we all pretty well know that. it govn't does nothing to help small business.

oil???? sorta funny how nothin on news about the price of gas/diesel up over last month, what, 25-30%... I guess crude is up. good for the oil co. but I have to wonder who is controlling it all right now>

I would also look into any business that is involved with any renewable new energy, wind, and what ever. for the younger ( not retired!!) guy, look to a field that has growth and your skills are in much DEMAND. dent removal business?? just as well install satellite T V !? LOL sorry....
oil???? sorta funny how nothin on news about the price of gas/diesel up over last month, what, 25-30%... I guess crude is up. good for the oil co. but I have to wonder who is controlling it all right now....

The Saudis. They are flooding the market and driving down the price to squeeze U.S oil and oil-shale production. At the higher price point U.S. oil and oil-shale is competitive and was cutting into the Saudis profits. Saudis figure with their enormous oil reserves, they can sell it cheap to choke out U.S. production, regain their market share, and then elevate the price back up to regain their profits.