A Bit Confused

No disrespect meant towards anyone, but I honestly do not understand how the Go Fund Me I started for Tom & Dee and the thread I started here that has over 1300 views, has brought forth the fruit of giving by less than 20 souls. I realize some donated to Tom via paypal, but I have no visibility on that.

Perhaps it was a mistake trying this, but I need to know whom does not have as little as $5 to help Tom get through this. Many of you know by now that Dee has two weeks. Maybe $1280 will cover the costs. I don't know. Perhaps my starting it brings suspicion? I have no control over what others may suspect. All I can offer is that My wife and I have come to the aid of Tom & Dee over the last year and we ask nothing in return. Perhaps I hold kinship with Dee, because I too am fighting stage 4 cancer. I feel Tom's pain as I feel the possibility of my own wife's pain. A giving woman that has already lost a husband to this decease.

All that I do know is that giving openly and freely can soothe and cleanse the soul. We suffer not for the monetary efforts we have put forward and almost as a miracle it may be the more we give the more we seem to magically get replenished. We are not rich. But we have the wealth of understanding that tithing is not just the money you give to you place of worship.

A lot of people on this board hold high religious beliefs. 10 fold return is real and there is nothing to be ashamed in accepting that return. Those who limit this gift from GOD believe that there is only so much good or wealth to go around and that belief is false.

Forgo a sixpack. Pass on that pack of smokes. Maybe that trip for fast food can not only provide the means but support your own health.

I will get off my soapbox now, and perhaps I have made a mistake in posting this, but I felt the need to reach out and perhaps be enlightened as to why so few have contributed. And to those that have? You are blessed regardless of whatever you had to give.

Tom Spinelli