Easter is it just me.

since today is a religious day, will make some comments, realizing that not every person agrees with me or share any of my befiefs. that's o k. this is America. freedom of speech, as long as it is not illegal!

to me, The Bible is at the very LEAST , a guidebook to living. a guide to what is considered right and wrong. good or bad. a roadmap to live a life that is not only beneficial, helpful, and rewarding to you yourself, but your family and people around you.

The Bible recognizes, we as humans make mistakes, even though we wish not, but gives us a solution for these mistakes in life.

I feel it is the duty of parents to take the time to teach their children these priciples of right and wrong, whether it be taking them to Sunday School, or in every day life. expose them to the teaching of Christ, let them make their choices in religion and the teachings of the Bible as they old enough to have their own beliefs of life. may your children grow up to be the adults you hope them to be.........