A Bit Confused

I don't see it as a cop out at all. There have been times when Kitty and I could only offer prayers. Sometimes, that's just how it is. Let me expound a little more. Kitty's boss (I use the term loosely) got mad at her and took her off the schedule one whole week, because Kitty could not come in and work an extra day. Kitty had a doctor's appointment and we had plans later that day.

This coming week, Kitty is the only one who gets paid and she will have that ONE DAY on that check. That's what we have to buy groceries and gas on. ONE DAY. BUT, we still donated 10 dollars. That's 10 dollars that could have gone in a gas tank. But you know what? Tom and Dee need it more than we do. I have some gas in my lawn mower can I can throw in Kitty's car if it comes down to it. I have about 1/4 tank in the truck, and about 60 dollars in the bank. We have enough food to get by. We will be ok.

Wolfie sent some Spam a while back and we use it for just this type occasion. When we get a bump in the road. We have some left. Enough to bridge the gap, until next week, when we both get paid.

The point is, even though Kitty and I don't have much, we have a LOT more than a lot of people. I honestly feel like if Kitty and I can give, almost anyone can. I only wish we could give more, and we may as time allows.

I encourage others to do the same.

I think you said it right, Ray.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to post, either, but the more I thought about and prayed about it the more I felt like I should.

The OP isn't wrong in his statements that it's disappointing, but like I told Tom (dustermaniac) in one of the threads, the most I can give is prayers. Some of you might see that as a cop out. It's not. I see the budget for my own home and it comes up short on being able to help financially, especially with Karli loosing her job on Friday and the uncertainty as to where the next pay check will come from.

The money will help relieve a financial burden and alleviate some stress in what's to come and the elimination of stress can help him with the grieving process that Tom's already entered.

I keep coming back to this as a man who's lived through it (and some might get tired of reading about it), but while the money that was given out of love helped me tremendously it was the support I received well above that that helped the most. And the support I still receive from those on here as well as my family and closest friends.

That's where my prayers are centered. I understand where Tom will be, a month from now, a year from now, five years from now. While my support can't be measured in dollars I stand ready for it stand up to God's standards if Tom reaches out to me.

Tom has admitted his faith is running low. God can and will speak through whatever gifts can be offered, rather financially or in other ways. A word said, a hug given, a tear shed. I'm praying that Tom holds on to his Faith enough to know the wisdom of God's gifts to him when they are given.

My heart breaks.

Please don't take the lack of financial assistance personally as it doesn't truly speak what's in a person's heart. There are many, who feel like I do. Some can't or won't give. Other's though, are ready to give in so many more ways.