A Bit Confused

This right here is mega awesome.

Well, I can only speak to my personal situation, but I read the thread for updates as well, but can't pay through the gofundme account because I don't have a credit card, and it doesn't accept PayPal! I typically send donations anonymously, as I don't want anybody to feel obligated to thank me or feel that they have to repay me in some way! In the past I have instructed people to send their purchase price for parts purchased from me directly to someone's in need thread, and have even paid to have parts purchased from me redone as part of the donation! No questions asked, I just feel that part of my donation is to get others involved in giving, and receiving something for their gift!

I also don't even like to even let the public know that I do what I do, but to answer your question, my current way of donating to Toms cause is to do the same as above. For the next 2 weeks, I am sending Toms paypal account all of the proceeds from every sale of parts I sell, and that includes the shipping amount! No pomp, no circumstance, and you wouldn't even know it if I didn't decide to open my mouth, that's just the way I do things!!!