67 Console shifter button.

Forgive me but until I see a OEM metal shifter button it will remain a myth in my mind.
If it is metal, new or reproduction, it is cast pot metal. It would be a bit heavier than the plastic one. Thus requiring a heavier return spring ?
And by the way, I understand why aftermarket would make it from pot metal and not plastic. Metalized plating on plastics doesn't stand up to wear. The type of plating that factory used on high wear plastics was a much thicker layer on a different type of plastic. The perfect example is the knob on pre 67 bucket seat release lever. That chrome would crack, peel, and cut like a razor. Every thing about that parts construction is different from, for example, inst' bezel.
Beyond the fore mentioned seat part, Factory changed a/c vent louvers, and radio buttons to bare black plastics for similar reasons. Metalized plating disappears in the breeze. Heavier plating cracks. Pot metal pits. Choose your poison.

I guess im gonna have to dig up pary numbers. I noticed a few on ebay had different numbers.
I installed the console in my coronet. I remember it metal.
I agree with the vacuum plating nowadays vs metal.