Had to run from the twister !

Had a similar experience about 20 years ago in South Ga. Driving east on Hwy 280, I could hear the tornado sirens, but, couldn't see anything for the forest on either side of the road. Came to a stretch of road that was pretty straight, and about 300 or 400 yards ahead, I could see debris being blown across the road pretty heavily.

I stopped, and a few seconds later a twister crossed the road. Like I said it was about 3 or 4 foot ball fields away, but it was still amazing loud, and the wind was pretty strong.

After it passed, I drove up to the area near where it crossed the road. Too much debris to continue down the road. I stopped, and got out. walked through the debris to make sure there was no one injured in there, and met some people on the other side who were doing the same thing. No one seemed to be injured, though. Just a lot of trees.

Couldn't pass as there were too many trees down and on the road. The detour was about 40 miles. lol