Leaf Spring ID

I have found some good pictures of 002-3 springs, and when comparing they look what I would call identical, except these have pads. Mine does not have pads, which is fine since that is correct for my build.
I assume the SS-spring look different in terms of number of leaves and length of leaves depending of application.

It´s a bit odd to see the last short leave are like turned opposite of each other. This is also the case of my springs, having me to think someone had been tampering with them at some point... I did have a set on a car in the late seventies, but really not one of the details I remember :)

The newer SS-spring seem to have the same #:s (002-3) stamped on, where mine have another #:s. Maybe this have to do with the older springs were made in the US, where's newer are made in Mexico. Just my guess...

Also I couldn't find any trace of white paint on them, so I guess they were labeled...

Picture is of newer 002-3 springs. (hope it was all wright to use it)

Thank you all for your input.