Mistakes you only make once

I've been troubleshooting a raw fuel smell that's been stinking up my garage. Around 11 pm, after I should be in bed, I'm in said garage replacing a carburetor flange gasket. Once I get all the linkages and vacuum lines hooked back up, I decide to start 'er up. The motor starts OK, but then starts running really rough. Thinking there might be a vacuum line disconnected, I get out to look under the hood. Fuel is spraying everywhere. That's when I realize I forgot to reconnect the fuel line to the carb. :oops:

Fortunately I had a bag of absorbent powder and a gallon of concentrated Simple Green, and a hot/cold hose spigot handy. I pushed the car outside, then spent the next two hours sweeping up powder and mopping. Despite all that effort, I'm pretty sure I did not improve the smell in the garage. :banghead: