Missouri and food stamp program

I for one am so tired of hearing this ...its not we need " A " leader, its not all this presidents fault, this garbage has been going on for some time.. its our senators and representatives fault that these things continue..I didn't vote for our current pres. or the idiot we had before him but you can't blame this guy for everything, some things but not everything.. my lord if he cured cancer the republicans would ***** that he put cancer researchers out of work ..its a two party system that should COMPROMISE for the good of the people they represent, when was the last time that happened.. put trump in and then you'll really see something special ..take it away mr moderator :protest::glasses7:

i'm not trying to head toward a political argument here, but like just mentioned....... our political system has ventured so far off course from when it was born. if Washington would pass legislation that is GOOD for the country first, and not special interests first,,,, that would be a start.

someone other day asked why are the REB against Trump? because.... he is not a politician. that simple. the Reb. will be far better off if a DEM wins, then the SYSYEM is not altered. politicians in charge,.... business as usual.

a couple years ago, a local retired vet ran for a state legislative position. he spent $10,000 of his money running, he lost.... the guy that beat him spent $250,000, not all his own. the vet asked, how in the heck can ya spend $250,000 running for a job that pays what? $35,000 !!!!!!! so even state leg. no doubt has the same corruption that Washington does, just on a smaller scale!!!!!

it makes the sorry a** that won't work and gets his food stamps look like an "angel"!!???? LOL