please dont kill me, looking for rear leaf shackles

Those Dakota shackles won't work. You need basically 2 pieces of flat bar with holes in them. One thing I don't like about shackles is they change the pinion angle to the driveshaft. Anytime you raise or lower just one end of a spring you affect the pinion angle. IMO a better option is helper springs that go around the shocks. They won't affect the pinion angle

ive seen the way shackles are normally made, and I thought the Dakota ones looked like a much better there was actually some design given to it

it looks like if I were to go with shackles, the Dakota piece (or a variation of it, made to fit a duster) would be much more stable

SGBARRACUDA has a pair for Sale in his thread "A bunch of misc for sale"

thanks for pointing that out
they are a good price too

I'm giving serious thought to getting the springs trebling has for sale though