Services for Dee

I understand Tom. I became jobless on Friday and had to accept a job today 3 hours away. We do what we can do one step at a time. Sorry if Im coming across negatively.
Just an idea. Set the budget for the flowers and maybe roll the "extra " over to Tom and the girls? Again just an idea.
Bless you and Virginia

Not negative. Just real life. Glad you were able to get another job. 3 hours away? Will you commute or take a room during the week?

And yes. Looks like flowers Tom wants will run around $330 plus shipping so the balance I will send to Tom's Paypal. He does intend on having a gathering at his home after the services so the extra can go for sandwiches and drinks.

Flowers ordered for delivery on the 13th. The balance I will credit to Tom's paypal. Any additional after this point will go to Tom's PayPal.
