Small favor - watch vid to help my daughter's marketing class team?

you know how everybody's a critic.. :twisted: - it wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good either.. I watched it twice. There has to be a better way to convey that he is dressing for work - I wasn't sure if he had an impending interview or...?? The scan to the bare closet was funny. He should have been dressed in his "crappy" work clothes and sitting on the living room couch with his coffee as if he were headed out the door, but wanted to jump onto that website to place his new clothes order real quick.. Lastly, take the Google plug out of there - add in more of the website you are promoting... when she said "I have an idea" she should have mentioned the site by name... "I have an idea - go to XXXX" JMTC... .45c later :D