5HP air compressor electric motor ?

Some are not changeable. Most are not

I just can't let this go........misinformation just sets me off

I will grant you there are some motors that you can not change direction at hook up, they are fixed CW or CCW.

Most in, my 30 years of industrial maintenance are convertible CW or CCW; I've done motors from 300HP 3600rpm drive motors on 800cfm Ingersoll-Rand Centac centrifugal air compressors to fractional HP motors on squirrel cage air circulators. All at hook up were/are given a "bump test" to verify rotation and corrected as needed.

Give this a thought..........if, if all motors were fixed for rotation, CW or CCW, you just doubled the inventory a distributor has to carry to meet their customers needs. You have to make 2 of every thing when one could do the job, not very efficient manufacturing. DUUUHHH!