Repaired and Repainted My '72 Grille

Thanks guys. It was definitely worth the effort, I can't stop looking at it! It made such an impact to the look of the car. Should have done it with it way earlier with it being pretty cheap to actually fix the main problem (the gap) but the weather would have been terrible for painting. It actually heated up and the sun shined in Washington for a week so it gave me plenty of time to take care and make sure it's done right. The process isn't too bad when you're also enjoying the sun, some radio, and a cold drink once in a while. :D

Took me about 4 days of cleaning, prep, and paint with a night to figure out how to actually remove it. The most nerve-wracking part was gently fitting the centerpiece back on the car without bending the outer mounting tabs too much (!!) It worked out though.

I had to buy one of each more can to finish up the little touchups and final coats, but it leaves me plenty to fix my taillight lenses. Those are looking a little sad now!

Great job! Makes a big difference.
I just did my grille. (Now if I could just get the car done to put it in n) Original had a chunk out and a missing mount tab. Was lucky to get a replacement cheap that only had a few cracks. I used Gorilla epoxy, but like the JB idea for fill in. One other thing I did was spray chrome in the lamp fixtures.

That looks really great! I like the idea of spraying chrome in the light fixtures, didn't think of that. I might have a can of chrome paint in the cabinet if I ever feel the need to do some "brightwork".