How screwed am I?

IF the vehicle is not stolen, then there is no harm done to anyone. Sometimes, there is no other way. If law enforcement comes after someone for something so trivial, then they are hurting for something to do.

Gubmint makes this stuff so damned complicated to begin with. All of this needs to be the SAME across the board in every state. It is total bullshit to have to even worry about a stupid title on cars this old anyway. DMV check to make sure it's not stolen and bill of sale is ALL that should be required.

Just more reasons for the gubmint to tack on extra fees and taxes. Once a vehicle is bought, you should never have to pay bullshit taxes on it again. Same with a house. You never own anything anymore and all because we as a society have sat on our fat asses watchin American Idol, playin on forums and Facebook and let it all happen.

Anytime you have to have a license for something, that means the gubmint has stolen a right and is selling it back to you. Same with a car title. You don't have to pay a recurring tax on anything else you buy except cars and houses. It's legalized theft and it's total bullshit. When you buy a new car, you pay taxes on it. You buy a house, you pay taxes on it. That should be the end of it. No more taxes, no more tags or bullshit.

The gubmint bends us over so much and STEALS from us on a regular basis, yet calls it legal. I don't think one little document being a little fuzzy JUST so you can get the paperwork you need for it will hurt a soul.

It's not like it's Wall Street. It's an old car.

Rusty - I get it. The "G" has seemingly been f'en us for so long that we want to take a shot back now and then. The problem is power. You never know when the bull's-eye gets hung on your back and you become the focus of attention. Your entire life can change on something as simple as a blanket being tugged on (think tug-a-war) and you let go and she gets hurt. It's a fact - I've seen it. So why hang a target on your back when there is no need for one. Put the own-is on someone else. So it takes a couple more days. It's what they get paid for. You end up free and clear and not looking back.

And yes I agree on the whole taxation thing. It's why you're never really property owner. You lease it from them. Stop paying the taxes and see what happens. A taxed product, any taxed product sold should never be taxed again. With few exceptions.