Need help to save my Father-in-laws car

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Guys, I realize that I don't post much and probably contribute even less but I could use some help with something. I know it's a Buick but it really has special meaning to me. My Father-in-law, J. Carsey passed away unexpectedly yesterday after a long and painful battle with a rare blood disorder in case anyone wondered. He had taken some poor advise from an insurance broker and purchased life insurance that had a full maturity time of three years. Unfortunately three years would have come to pass in June. As a result the insurance payment they received is much less than the cost of the funeral and bills that my Mother-in-law, D. Carsey will be responsible for in the near future. Now onto the meat and meaning of the title.

J. had one material item in his possession that truly meant a lot to him and to us by association. His 1971 Buick Skylark. We bonded over this car. I helped him find and buy parts,we rebuilt the engine and basically did faily low-budget restore. It's not a rare car or anything even super fancy. But it was his and that was enough. Unfortunately, due to the crappy insurance discussed above, his wife D. will be forced to sell the car for funerary and related expenses and bills that will come due before her survivor benefits from his Social Security will take effect.

My request for assistance is to be able to purchase the Skylark from D., My Mother-in-law, to ensure that it stays in our family and can be taken in memorium to shows and cruise-ins. Any funds raised in addition to the purchase price will be directly given to her. Unfortunately, I find myself unable to purchase it on my own as my job simply doesn't allow the spare income with 3 children and a wife to support as well. My name is on the Gofundme, but as soon as I can set up an email for her she will be the only one who can withdraw the money. My interest is simply preserving the vehicle in our family and being able to insure that she gets a fair price for it.