where can i find wiring for dummies?

Like everyone is recommending here, you're going to need to grab the factory wiring diagram to start diagnosing any issues right now. MyMopar.com is a great resource for this.

The thing about this is now you're gonna go down the rabbit hole and 30-40+ years of molested wiring will do nothing but have you running in circles (trust me, I would know).

Since you said this is a rebuild save yourself a ton of headache and go with an aftermarket kit. I was having so many issues with the electrical system that I bit the bullet and went aftermarket. I'm no wiring genius, and the thought of ripping out all the wire and redoing it was a bit daunting, but don't be afraid to do it - best upgrade to date and is a breeze if you take your time and do good work. You also learn a lot about the car as you go through the process. I really enjoyed the time it took me and will carry this knowledge for life.

If you have the ability to go aftermarket kit I highly recommend Ron Francis. I went with their Express kit for my 1974 Duster. They are thorough with the initial questions they ask so they send you all the right components. They package the kit in sections, the instructions are straight forward, the quality of the kit is very high and their customer support rocks. I looked at some other manufacturers but wasn't too impressed with what I saw and I'm over the moon about my choice.

If you go this route feel free to PM me with any questions, there were a few catches to the install. If not and you decide to rework the stock electrical - good luck!