Pulling wires...

Worst wire pull I was ever involved with was at the Spokane Transit "bus garage" downtown. This is when I worked for Motorola. We were installing some remote control (console) radio gear, and had to pull a control cable, a Motorola proprietary cable, from the building ACROSS THE STREET, up into the telco room. I'm sure "we were just lucky." this was a conduit which already had some control and internet cables (low voltage) and had a pull tape. The "right" way to do this would have been to disconnect all the cables (impossible as it was "in operation") pull them all out and re-pull, or (perish the thought) some of the Federal grant money should have been spent on EXTRA conduits instead of coffee pots and artwork.

I have no idea whether the conduits were under the street, or contained under the skywalk

This building is secured, with credit card scan style ID entrance, and the pubic never gets to see these offices. Nevertheless, there is **** like down one hallway, on the way to the lavatories, is a "fake" bus dashboard and wheel inset into the walls, so the "boy" in you can "drive the bus" while wasting time.

Huge, expensive old photos and prints adorn the walls, with typical expensive ceramic floors.

Then you go downstairs, and the dispatchers are crowded into a narrow room with poor heat. They actually had electric heaters under their desk to keep warm. It was a ridiculous contrast in money and (administrator) priviledge vs "the worker bees" in the "mines."