my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

Ok, the motor is assembled. I will install the first chance I get, however, at the present I'm "sort of" working outside, so the weather is a factor, and they are predicting rain for the next few days.. :(
I think I will use textured flat black (bed liner?) on the valve covers.

I did put a new rear main seal and a few freeze plugs in it just because it was on the stand. I did not count that (or the paint) as part of the cost because it wasn't necessary, and this build is based off of doing this project "in the car". My car has a slant right now, so that's why my motor is on the stand, however, as I stated, the build is about the 318, not the installation. I will give updates, but not details on the installation. I want to focus on the teen.