Cinnamon 75 Duster \

Made a little progress yesterday. Got the replacement lower grill cleaned up and primered. Also did the bumper fillers. I got replacements from a yard for the two side pieces in the back others are what came off the car. Probably could have use the originals, but they looked good and I practically pulled them off the other car with most screws still in, it was rusted so bad. I used high heat primer on them to get them smooth just cause its what I had in gray. Need to get gray flexible bumper paint. Saw some Duplicolor stuff online that looks about right. Need to get it soon, as it doesnt look like they make that color any more. Also started the doors. I have spare glass, but all of them are scratched. Need to see if any can be buffed out and use the best pair. Wire wheeled bottom insides of door flanges and primed. Gonna get new window fuzzies. Then just need a nice weekend to tear out the door guts and rework.