Not mopar...But my first restore

Oh I forgot I was gonna ask you guys for your opinion on this. As I'm getting closer and closer to being done with the body work I find myself wondering how I am going to deal with all the surface rust. My initial thought was to sandblast it. I've had many people tell me that it isn't a good idea because it might warp the panels. I honestly don't know if there is any other way to get it all though. The metal on this thing is pretty stout so I am still leaning towards blasting it. What do you guys think? Also I would rather not hire it out. I like to do things myself so I started looking at sandblasters. This is the one I have my eye on( ) but honestly I don't really know quite what I am looking for. I want it to be big enough to be able to do all the pickup and the frame as well. The compressor wont be a problem I've got access to a big one. But I can't decide if I should invest in a blaster or rent one. Opinions?