mp cams

LOL, still a hater.
Exately they offered us nothing but front wheel drive pieces of crap in that span..and their cams STILL suck!!!

Below is exactly what brought me aboard and for final.
I love how people always come out of the woodwork to bash something they have never used, or used in a mismatched combo and it didn't work well.

The facts are like this. When the MP cams were originally designed....when they were Direct Connection, they were cutting edge.

Then sometime in the 1980s, they were redesigned to have a LOT more area "under the curve" to take more advantage of the .903 lifter diameter. They were cutting edge yet again. They are still a proven way to make power today. Proven. Tried and true. Absolutely ZERO guesswork. That's a tall order.

Yes, that was a long time ago. But those cams still work in a matched combination. That's what people don't get. It's not the camshaft that makes power. It's the combination.

Look at a Mopar Performance engine book at all those engine and car recipes. No one else in the industry ever did that. Ever. And if you go down the line and build one of those recipes, your car WILL run in the bracket as indicated.

Hughes does not offer that. Comp does not. Lunati does not. No other cam maker backs up their product with entire recipes showing you how to build a particular combination.

Mopar Performance did. Over 40 years ago. Seems to me they were WAY ahead of their time.

Now if I could just dyno every listed combo for HP results. You know, enquiring wanna know, just for ha ha's.