New Best on Friday Night!

Yeah Rob, I'm still losing time down the track. I think it may be a fuel delivery issue. I'm going to buy a fuel pressure gauge to mount on the cowl so I can watch it as I go down the track.

Once I get everything sorted out my goal is to get this car into the 11.90s. Like you said I think this is achievable due to my strong 60 ft.

If you do not want to mount the fuel pressure gauge on the cowl (I didn't want to for several being is th way it looks and another I don't like to scratch paint etc.) you can buy an isolator and mount it in the car. It is NOT legal to mount the gauge in the car without the isolator. I bought the isolator.

The other thing is the WBo2. I am not opposed to them, BUT if you live and die by them without having other options you can get just as screwed up, or more screwed up than without it. Different fuels require different A/F ratios, and one size does not fit all. This is why I am big on reading plugs and helping people who are willing to learn, to learn to do it. It takes time and effort. But once you learn it, you have one more tool in your tune up Arsenal to make you that much harder to beat.

The other thing about WBo2 sensors is if you have to look at it during a run, unless you are one super dude, they are essentially worthless. They need to have the capability to be downloaded to a computer and the data analyzed. A quick glance down the track is just a snap shot and the chances of reading it correctly, and with any reasonable accuracy. You need to download a full run and look at the date.

That being said, I know a guy who has made thousands and thousands and thousands of runs in the same car he has had since the mid 1970's. He has a WBo2 but he does not use it every pass. He only hooks it up when he is making a change, or is just wanting to verify tune up. When this particular gentleman tells me he made a run, and was monitoring his WBo2 and saw the numbers during the run, him I believe. He would be the exception to the rule.

To the I said, I'm not opposed to you buying a WBo2 or anyone else. Just be careful you do not end up in mental overload trying to master too many things at once. You also invite the good idea fairy to drop by and those little fairies often promote paralysis by analysis. Which next leads to mental masturbation and you know what happens next lol.

A thoughtful, careful learning curve, which doesn't require a second and/or third mortgage or a divorce and keeps th fun in learning is much better that spending $$$$$$$ and never getting the mastery over any of it.

Keep us posted. Learning is fun and good.