Hurst super shifter linkage

What a pain, I took it all apart lined everything up again. It all seemed to be shifting smooth all gears were there. I drove it out of the garage and back in again a couple of times and checked to make sure it wanted to move in all the gears. Then I took it for a spin around the block and everything was working smooth. No problems.
So I went out cruising around for awhile and headed back home and wham stuck in 4th gear. I had to disconnect the linkage and shift it into second manually and drive it home. With all linkage removed from trans the shifter is stuck in 4th? Not sure whats up its brand new I wouldn't think it would mess up. The shifter does make a spring sound when going into second and into third.
I'll have to take the shifter out and take a look. I probably wont get around to messing with it until next weekend.