833 Rake between gears.

YOU!! You are the transmissio guy in Wisconsin! If you have the tools to take it out the hard part's actually done! I'm serious they are so easy. If you got a $30 manual and pulled that thing apart you'd be amazed at how easy things are to fix on those there's literally almost no tolerances at all to worry about just take the parts out and put the parts back in literally that easy not confusing very straightforward. Seriously I'll post pictures of a step-by-step procedure walking through absolutely everything I literally put a crate icon chairs with a piece of plywood to have a clean 4 x 4 surface and took everything apart and put everything back together. It was extremely simple. I think I had to actually purchase some snap ring pliers from Harbor Freight for a few dollars was the only special tool that I needed. Save yourself hundreds of dollars and maybe lots of time to waiting for someone else to do it. You got the hard part done now do the easy part yourself.