Just another question about vinyl roofs

I got mine from a local vendor and it's a cut to fit kind of deal. It comes flat, cut to the general shape it needs to be. I never watched the install, but the guy that did mine did a great job with the vinyl I gave him. I think vinyl thickness and quality would be more important than fit. The fit is all part of the installation. That installation is one of the few things I am not doing myself because any flaws would be so obvious.

Hey Cley - thanks - I have thought about installing the vinyl myself but finally came to my senses ( I have never done that myself before) and will have a upholstery company do the install ........ you know how it goes ... every vendor I look at "says" they have the best vinyl tops .... I am just trying to get a quality vinyl top so when I do take the car to the upholster shop they don't say ... that vinyl you brought us is crap !
Thanks for your input man !