What would you do? auto trans question

Would you re install this trans without knowing what the issue is?

Oh yea, and then deal with the no KD.
You can't test a valve body unless it's in the car and running, and just so you know there are servo rings that can be changed easily by the shop if you feel you can't do it.

Also just so you know, lowering the overall pressure in the trans may very well give you kickdown back. (not a lot, maybe 5 lbs and retest)

I have a part throttle kickdown valve assembly sitting here I'm going to end up selling that came out of my 904 because the planetaries went in it so I am swapping to a 42RH OD.
The part throttle kickdown valve assembly is really easy to install also, and it not only brought my kickdown back but kickdown came in somewhat earlier than factory which was nice.
Let me know if you need it, and do some research on it in the meantime.