What would you do? auto trans question

The shop I took it to claims they completely disassembled the trans, checked it, and re assembled. I'm guessing they put the servo pistons back in correctly. I want to pull the pan and air check the servos, but I need to know if the servo should hold air when I apply, or should I hear some leaking, even though I still see the band being applied.
and again, the shop told me that I need a one year only valve body. I believe this is false. I know the earlier ones up to 65 are different. What are the facts. From my conversation with the owner, I think he thinks it's my adjustment of the throttle pressure. I don't because when the pedal is floored, the throttle pressure lever is all the way back. Will this high pressure keep the throttle pressure from adjusting at the carb? This is part of my research, but I will need to read up on adjusting the pressure. If I can get my specific questions answered, I can move on to the next thing.

The kickdown can go away just because of a change of the mainline pressure inside the valve body (which by the way can be adjusted inside the pan.
A little bit too high and KD will go away and nothing you do with the TP adjustment will solve it.
Personally I'd try backing the pressure off by turning the pressure regulator adjuster clockwise one 360 degree turn and see what she does.

As far as the servo question, you will hear air as it does get around the rings with an air test. (fluid is thicker remember, so it won't let near as much fluid by as air)
If it applies the band with air it's probably just fine.

As far as I know everything after 65 is the same and basically interchangeable outside of a few drum and shaft changes over the years.
Did they give you specifics as to why they feel it's a one year only trans?

If you have the TP rod adjusted so it goes all the way back at full throttle and don't have KD it's because the mainline pressure is too high, or your trans doesn't have the part throttle KD assembly.