Need recomendation for IP or wireless night vision security camera(system)

So what was the estimate to repair the holes in the roof from the warning shots?

Cameras can be very tricky. You either need a very good light source or a camera that operate in IR for night use. Then you have to consider if you're trying to capture things like vehicle license plates or facial images (different cameras). What I'm trying to say is you really need to contact a professional and get a laid out plan of coverage for your needs. It is one of those things that paying a little more for makes the best sense. Getting advise from just anybody is not in your best interest in this case. Price is going to be a big driving factor also. I used mammoth technologies and have a system that I can remote view on my phone and can PTZ my main entrance camera from my phone. It will also send me alert messages. I have no monitoring fees and I'm not required an alarm company if I didn't want one. But piece of mind counts there for me. My initial cost was a hoop. But I have a system that will even operate if someone was to cut power service to the neighborhood. The last guy that wanted to requisition my items to support his drug habit at my expense got to view the operating end of a ... and recieved 4yrs up state. Or you can go the other way and just buy a couple game tracker cameras and mount in different places.